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Adjust Update | shmu

Adjust Update

HMP YOI Grampian nearing completion

ADJUST - a joined up approach to reducing reoffending - is currently working with 35 individuals, 21 who have been released and 14 who are still in Prison in Aberdeen and Peterhead. 

ADJUST came about in order to help create and build on positive relationships between services in the community and prisoners, so that these can be carried on once prisoners are released.  It is hoped that if people want to change their circumstances, it is easier if you have already begun this work before you return to your community. We have been very lucky that staff at HMP Aberdeen and in Peterhead have signed up to this pilot and helped put many of the ideas around ADJUST into practice.

We have recently met with managers from the soon to be opened HMP YOI Grampian (above) which will take over from HMP Peterhead and HMP Aberdeen when they close in December and January. They have stated that they welcome the ADJUST framework and principles and we are now in the process of working closely with the management team to embed these processes into the new prison.