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Media Access Project: Three Years In....

shmu have been delivering the Media Access Project in HMP Grampian since June 2015. In that time the project has gone from strength to strength and we have had a number of success stories including:
- 40 participants receiving a full SQA at Level 5 in Radio & TV Production.
- 29 participants receiving partial awards in Radio & TV Production.
- 7 participants gained Koestler Awards in 2017 and 12 applications have been submitted in 2018.
- The 'Way Out' editorial team have published 3 magazines and have been distributed to every prisoner in HMP Grampian.
- 6 graduations have been held to celebrate the achievements of our participants which have been well attended by prisoners, SPS Staff and other guests.
- We continue to engage with participants after their release and currently have 14 participants in the community who have come back to shmu to volunteer, make radio shows or produce music.
The Creative Media Unit in HMP Grampian have become the first Prison in Scotland to broadcast National Prison Radio which originates from HMP Brixton and was previously only available in England and Wales.