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We are recruiting!

shmu is undergoing a significant period of growth and are recruiting posts to support and develop our core services. This includes a Radio Manager to lead on all our radio related services across the organisation and a Development Worker to push our Film and TV strand forward. We are also looking to recruit a staff team to develop and implement an exciting new service (MAP), having secured £896,326 from the Big Lottery Fund.
The Media Access Programme (MAP) will offer a transformational programme in HMP & YOI Grampian supporting participants, aged between 16 and 30, to make a successful and sustained transition back into the community using media (radio, film, music and magazines) as a unique platform to address a range of barriers.
We are looking for 7 exceptional, innovative, community minded individuals to join our team:
Either click on the links above for full job descriptions, background information and application forms or visit our vacancies page.
Alternatively call Laura Young on 01224 515013 and we will send an info pack out to you.
The closing date for applications is 22nd March 2015