Positive Transitions employability courses return

shmuTRAIN are back and we’re now recruiting for our next Positive Transitions Employability course, which starts in August!
Due to current restrictions, we can’t yet have groups in our building, so we’ll be delivering the course online.
The course is for young people aged 16-25 living in Aberdeen City or Shire, and will support you to get prepared, skilled-up and ready for any employment, training or education opportunities that come your way.
Here at shmu we use media, TV and Radio to enhance employability skills such as presentation and organisation, and to increase confidence.
For example, we’ll teach you how to create scripts for your own radio show, and record them as a group on Zoom.
Our course will last 12 weeks, and we’ll use Zoom, Skype, Google Meet and/or Microsoft Teams to conduct group training sessions for delivery of both the Employability and Media sessions.
We’ll set tasks and assignments using Google Classroom, but we can also use personal email for those unable to access such services.
The course will have a combination of group and 1:1 online sessions to support your individual needs.
We’ll work with you to identify realistic and achievable goals in the current and changing employability landscape, and support you to access funding and training courses relevant to your employability goals.
You’ll also gain qualifications on our course; an Employability Award and National 3 Media.
If you’re interested or have any questions about the course, please contact Michelle on michelle.trail@shmu.org.uk
We run courses throughout the year, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch at any time.
Please note: Before starting the course, participants will complete a short survey on their digital access – including internet access, digital devices and competence in using these tools. We’ll then create an action plan (if required) to help participants access any available local support which may improve their digital access.
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Positive Transitions
Are you 16-25? Not in education, employment or training? Why not sign up for a Positive Transitions course?
Early Interventions
The shmuTRAIN Positive Progressions programme targets and engages young people in the Senior Phase who have been identified as being unlikely to secure a positive destination when leaving school. The programme offers an academic year-long course, which combine skills development with employability support, supported by staff from shmu based within the school.