AIYF International Variety Gala

Everything comes to and end…for now

It has finally come to an end of AIYF 2015! AIYF finished on the 1st of August at the ‘HMT’ with spectacular performances; we are sad to see all performers gone and were all glad seeing our bright performers and their performances this year. We went to see variety of events and big applause for all the performers at the AIYF, Aberdeen is proud that you brought smiles to our faces. We also want to thank staff for taking care of everything and the stress they went through. Also huge thanks to the organisers and people who took time with AIYF.

The event had taken place at 2:30pm + 7:30pm evening. The Variety Gala brings variety of performances that had been held throughout the AIYF and bring them in one last day! Many cultures were involved… Scotland, Russia, Norway, England, Spain, Australia, Germany, Jordan, Hong Kong and Canada. Everything looked great, many lights and happiness could be felt around the room. From dances to choirs , from choirs to instruments and so on…

We are all sad to see AIYF go and we are glad to have this opportunity, but it doesn’t end here! We still have many great bright super years of AIYF to go! Again , thanks to all the performers and it is sad to see some of them go and not return but to those who are planning already to come , see you next year!