57 North Presents: Vansleep

Local indie rock four-piece features on shmuFM

This week's featured artist on our 57° North Presents show is local indie rockers Vansleep! They appeared live on the show on Monday the 20th of February from 8-10pm, playing tracks from their debut EP.

Vansleep are an up-and-coming indie rock four-piece from Aberdeen. Although they haven’t been together as a band for very long, individually they have wide range of musical and preforming experience.

They were brought together by their shared passion in music, and their determination to take the band as far as they possibly can. At the moment they travel into Aberdeen after school once a week to rehearse, and have played a few local gigs around Aberdeenshire. Vansleep also has a few supporting slots lined up for 2017 in Aberdeen to be announced shortly! 

Vansleep are currently about to release their debut EP, and we can let you hear two tracks – False Advertisement, and Same As You – right here on shmuFM. For more, check out their Facebook and/or their Soundcloud.

If you like what you hear, you can request any of Vansleep's tracks on any of our live shows by getting in contact with the studio on 01224 483413, by texting 60300 (type SHMU, leave a space and then your message) or by emailing studio@shmu.org.uk

57° North Presents is repeated every Friday at midnight until 2am on 99.8FM, and you can listen to the show here on our website using the live stream or Listen Again feature.