Collective Compositions artists play Uni

Performance at MacRobert Building on the 27th of January

Participants from shmuSOUND’S Collective Compositions course will be performing at the MacRobert Building of the University of Aberdeen, promising an interesting night of music from around the world. The project, funded by Creative Scotland, aims to promote the music and culture of the city's minority ethnic communities. It is being captured on film for a 'making of' documentary, and we'll have a preview of some of the footage so far collected.

Collective Compositions is the first project of its kind in Aberdeen. Simon Gall, shmuSOUND Development Worker, said: “It’s important that cultural organisations in the city start to properly reflect the changes which have taken place over the last 10 to 15 years in the demography of Aberdeen. This is a valuable project which represents and celebrates the true cultural landscape of the city.”

The event will be held at room 051 in the MacRobert Building of the University of Aberdeen from 7:30pm on the 27th of January, and admission is £3.00 including refreshments. All are welcome, and we hope to see you there!