Pitching Up - a new project from 57N, shmu & PitchPlay Music

Aged 16-25, live in Aberdeen/shire & create original music? Find out how to get involved!

Our new Pitching Up project, run by our 57 North strand, will offer the opportunity for up to 20 young songwriters, singers, producers, composers and musicians to learn and create alongside PitchPlay Music – a dedicated international music publishing service with directors based in Aberdeen and London.

PitchPlay Music works with partners such as Sony ATV, Warner Chappell, Universal Music, Kobalt Music, Tik Tok and Bauer Media and their writers have had multi-platinum #1 Billboard hits in South Korea, Japan and China, have sold millions of records worldwide and have had hits in America and Europe. They have also placed songs in big-selling video games, TV shows, adverts and more.

You’ll attend in-person ‘Songcamps’ in Aberdeen where you’ll write and produce in groups tutored by Pitch Play Music Directors - including working on real briefs for music required by artists, labels, games, TV & film.

The project will run from April – October 2022, with the first camp taking place at shmu HQ in Woodside, Aberdeen on the Easter weekend of Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th April – with another two camps scheduled later in the year.

Regular online sessions between camps will allow you to keep creating – and you’ll learn about how it all fits into the wider music industry along the way.

Participants will also have the chance to collaborate with project staff to help shape and tailor the course as it moves along.

Pitching Up is free to attend, but places are limited – here's the application form

See here on the 57 North site for more information in our project FAQ

Participants must be able to commit to the full length of the project, which runs from April – October 2022.

The project’s funding has also allowed us to create a new paid Project Trainee role. See here on the 57 North site for more details.

The closing date for all applications is 5pm on Thursday 31 March.

Pitching Up is Funded by the Scottish Government’s Youth Music Initiative through Creative Scotland.