shmu Rap Music Project launched

Rap music project launches in Aberdeen

Aberdeen’s hip hop and rap community will be given a boost this week as Woodside-based charity shmu launches its Rap Music Project. The project, which was funded by Creative Scotland, will provide opportunities for young people under 25 to attend courses, workshops and masterclasses with some of the country’s most successful rap artists and learn about all aspects of music-making and gig promotion.

Participants will also have the opportunity to record tracks free-of-charge at shmu’s recording studio, and play alongside some of the UK’s most celebrated rap artists.

shmuSOUND Development Worker Simon Gall said: “This project, which has been designed in conjunction with young people, will be the fertiliser which will help the local scene to grow into something healthy and robust.

“It will provide young artists with access to expertise and resources that they may otherwise not have been able to attain. Most importantly, it will amplify the voice of young people in the city.”

Rappers and MCs up and down the country have shown an interest in the project and have pledged support for the initiative.

Celebrated Scottish rapper Loki said of the project: ''Scotland is such a small country, yet certain parts of the hip hop community are quite remote from one another. I often cite London-centric artists as a pain in the rear, but remain aloof to the fact that Glasgow and Edinburgh tend to dominate discussions about hip hop and rap.

“For this reason, I'm really keen to get around the country and find out what’s going on. I'm familiar with a few of the hip hop artists and crews in the Granite City and look forward to getting more insight into their specific take on hip hop culture. Hopefully, it can help create a stronger sense of community between the central belt and the north.''

The window for signing up is now open. Please contact Simon Gall on 01224 515013 or email for more information.