Spoken word project launch in January

A new project focused on spoken word recordings

Just before we nip off for the Christmas holidays, we wanted to let you know about an exciting new project which will be launching on the 6th of January - and it's all about celebrating the spoken word.

Thanks to funding from Aberdeen City Council's Cultural Grants, we are able to offer free recording time to anyone from Aberdeen who has an original piece of spoken word that they would like recorded in our studio and broadcast on shmuFM.

The recordings can take any form - a story, poem, comedy, drama or anything else you can think of - and there are no age restrictions. Recordings should be no longer than 5 minutes in length and should be an original piece of writing, free from copyright restrictions.

We'll be collecting together around 25 recordings in total between January and the end of March, which will then be collected together and broadcast on shmuFM as a celebration of culture in Aberdeen. Previous experience of writing or recording is not required.

Our role is to support you through the writing and recording process to make sure the final piece is exactly what you want. So if you're interested in recording something on your own or as a group, pop Stevie and email with a bit of info on your idea and he'll book you in for a recording session. His email is stevie@shmu.org.uk

As most of the shmu staff team will be off for the holidays, you can think up some ideas over Christmas and we'll turn those ideas into reality in the New Year.