Free video session on Wednesday

Second free workshop takes place this Wednesday

This Wednesday (Nov 13th) sees the second of our free Digital Media Cafés, taking place at Seventeen on Belmont Street.

After opening with an audio workshop two weeks ago, the second fortnightly workshop will focus on basic video skills and will be taken by shmuTV tutors Sara and Kirsty.

To take part, you just need to come along to the venue for a 6pm start. The classes are free and designed for beginners, leading on to more advanced sessions in the new year.

The sessions are part of our link-up with a project centred on developing citizen journalists in 2014 - the year the Commonwealth Games come to Scotland.

A blogging session takes place on Wednesday 27th November, while the final class (Dec 11th) will be all about social media. The classes are informal and all are welcome.