June is the busiest month for shmuTV

Brilliant work from our TV team

Our brilliant team at shmu TV have been up to their eyebrows doing fantastic work with the Rights Respecting Schools pupil group, part of an initiative by UNICEF.  With the support and guidance from teachers at Riverbank primary in Tillydrone, the pupils have been challenged to make a video about the school’s many achievements, providing a visual evaluation for their project.

Over the past 10 weeks the pupils have been working with our tutors to film interviews and pieces of footage about experiences on the project.  A lot of hard work and effort has gone into the final video, which is to be shown to the whole school and parents at a special premiere at the end of the summer term.

As if that wasn’t enough, shmuTV are also in the process of completing a short film for the Robert Gordon University Access Team, who run a programme of short courses introducing university studies to school pupils from secondary schools in regeneration areas.  The film is a showcase demonstrating the benefits of university education and promoting an interest in further education and student life.

The film will be shown around Aberdeen City schools to encourage school pupils to consider attending the courses. Students and tutors from several subjects including Art and Architecture, Business Management, Media and Design and Allied Health were interviewed for the film.

The team have also just been commissioned to make a film on anti-social behaviour and the dangers of it with the Northfield Youth Action Group (YAG).  Community auditions will be held soon for parts in the film, so watch this shmuTV space!