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shmuTASTIC at Youth Media | shmu

shmuTASTIC at Youth Media

New youth media crew at SHMU

Over the summer SHMU has been host to a group of Primary 7s who have been taking part in lots of different activities over the summer including radio, journalism, music and film.

Today was their last session so we got the group to write about what they had done at SHMU and what they had enjoyed...


Hi, my name is Ellie and I am going to tell you about my time at SHMU. I really enjoyed my time at SHMU. The things we did were radio and film on a Monday and music and journalism on a monday. I really enjoyed all of the subjects but my favourites were film and music because in film we made a movie about toast. It was awesome! I also really enjoyed music because we had to try and prove the point that some music doesn't go with all trailors. We did this by taking a serious movie and put the theme tune from the Simpsons with it. It worked great because it was so funny.I found out about the taster session through school. A letter came out and it said all about the subjects. I thought it looked awesome so I asked my mum if I could come along and I am glad I did. I have made lots of new friends here and it has been so much fun. I would definitely sign up because I'm sure you would enjoy it.


My name is Hannah and I've been going to SHMU for three weeks now and my favourite part of SHMU has been the journalism and the radio. I like journalism because you get to write about interesting subjects and use your own thoughts. I also like radio because I get to discuss different kinds of subjects.


My name is Shannah Findlay and I've been going to SHMU. My favourite part is everything! I really like the journalism because we get to write about lots of things and be creative. I like the radio because we get to use lots of mics. I found out about SHMU through my school. We got letters home and me and my friend were the only P7s who brought the letter back to schoolback to school. I want to keep on going to SHMU because I love it, it's so fun.


I started going to SHMU because I was bored of being at home with my computer. At SHMU I enjoy using the computers. We were doing research for the radio show. It is important to do your own research and use your own words so you know what you are going to say. I had fun at SHMU.


My name is Nicole. I really liked music and film. My favourite part of music was putting the theme tune from the Simpsons to a trailor of an action movie. It was fun to see what went together and what didn't.

My favourite part of film was doing interviews. It was fun to use different equipment.We asked each other questions and recorded them with a camera and microphone. 


​My name is Ellie and my favourite thing was music because we got to put music behind a movie trailer. We looked at the movie trailer for After Earth with no music and we put the Simpsons' theme tune to the back of the movie trailor. It was funny but scary at the same time because it worked well together.